There are organised activities for young people of all ages throughout the year in Cromarty.
For young children
For the very youngest, the Parents and Toddlers Group meets on Tuesday mornings 10.00 to 11.30 a.m. during term-time in the Victoria Hall.
Youth Café (see Youth Café sub-menu)
Youth Workers, Fraser Thomson and Michelle Jack, (along with Chair Wanda Mackay) organise wide-ranging activities for young people. The term-time schedule focuses on out-of-school meetings in the Victoria Hall. The Team plans additional outdoor, sporting and physical challenging away-days, during the year and the school holidays. If you have any questions, call Wanda 07515 717 011 or Fraser 07470 522172.
Visiting Cromarty with children?
For the bucket-and-spade brigade, the west beach in front of the Royal Hotel (always sandy) and the east beach alongside the Links (rocky towards the east end) are good for sand castle construction and exploration of tide pools.
For school-age children, we recommend: EcoVentures wildlife watching boat trips (for children five years and older), Hugh Miller Museum and the Cromarty Courthouse Museum.
In the Victoria Park you will find an outdoor play area suitable for toddlers and primary-age children, football pitch, enclosed basketball court and the new tennis court. There is also a 'pensioners' playpark' adjacent to the children's play equipment — perfect for a grandparent-and-grandchildren's outing.